I saw this on Kelly’s blog, and thought it would be fun to do. Here are the ABC’s of me:
Age: 25 years young
Bedsize: King. According to D I sleep as far away from him as humanly possible.
Chores that you hate: All. haha. Putting clothes away. I really hate that. I don't mind doing laundry but putting everything away afterwards is no fun.
Dogs: My baby Emmy. Love her to death. She is a 1 year old malti-poo for all you newbies.
Essential start to your day: Brushing teeth. I am not an avid coffee drinker-breakfast eater, but hate morning breath.
Favorite color: Right now it is lime green, coral and teal.
Gold or Silver: Silver.
Height: 5’4
Instruments you play: None. Although I did play the clarinet in middle school.
Job title: Pre-Certification Coordinator & Photographer
Kids: just my Emmy Em
Live: “Everything happens for a reason”
Mother’s Name: Donna
Nicknames: Stef, Steffer, Stef with an F
Overnight hospital stays: Mono senior year of HS. Tubes. 8 times. Yes I’m serious.
Pet peeves: oh man, where to start. Leaving the fridge door open, tapping your leg, not pressing the unlock button while walking to the car, crossing something out of my calendar/planner, not putting paper back in the printer when it is empty. . I could go on much longer, but will spare you.
Quote from a movie or TV show: “Nobody puts baby in a corner”
Right or Lefty: Right is right.
Siblings: Jesseca. Mi hermana.
Time you wake up: roughly 8:10am
Underwear: I typically wear.
Vegetable you hate: Peas. Squash. Cauliflower. Beets. Tomato.
What makes you run late: Emmy taking too long to go to the bathroom. Don forgetting something or just being generally slow. Traffic.
X-Rays You’ve Had: Too many to count. Broke my foot 3 times, chest x-ray for mono
Yummy food you make: Everything I make is yummy ;)
Zoo Animal: baby tiger. baby koala. or baby elephant. Catching on yet? too cute.