two days ago we bought a sleep sofa off craigslist. it was $70 in decent condition, and were pretty excited about it. after about 20 minutes of trying to figure out how to put the seats down in don’s car, we managed to fit the sofa in and be on our merry way. we should have known then and there, this was a disaster in the making.
we drove home (about 2 miles) with the back open because it wouldn't close with the couch. don sat in the back, trying to hold it closed, and ensuring that we don't lose a cushion or two on the way.
after finally making it home and into the house, we tried to get it in the spare bedroom/craft room. it wouldn't fit. wouldn't. fit. shoot. we then got stuck at the end of the hallway because the bed fell out of the couch when we tried to move it in the room. don got it back in and in doing so, put a hole in the wall and chipped the paint in various places.
the couch is now standing in our living room. lucky us. we are now realizing that a sleep sofa is not going to work for that room. we are now re-grouping and thinking of other ideas. we are also thinking of donating the couch to the salvation army and just getting the tax write off for next year.
anyway. . i started painting the baseboard last night. we picked out the behr premium plus ultra’s great falls. i think it is going to look wicked pretty. pictures to come soon.