hope everyone had a great long weekend! it was beautiful weather here in Boston, and I am BURNT. it was so nice to enjoy the sun and good weather after all the rain we had the past couple of weeks.
we did manage to squeeze in some house work amidst being outside. we decided to organize out living room closet. we wanted a place to keep the start of our bathroom stockpile. I am horrible at taking before pictures when we do random projects around the house, but just imagine a 50 gallon storage tub of coats & sweatshirts that is now being packed away in the basement. no joke.
it is so nice to see it so clean and organized, hopefully we can keep it like this.
I decided today that I am going to take a big craft/blogging step (for me), by participating in craftaholics anonymous’ handmade gift exchange. I am nervous because I feel like this could introduce me to a whole slew of amazing bloggers/crafters that I am not up to par with (yet). I am already trying to decide what to make, and have sewn two different things tonight, both of which I did not like.
&& just a reminder, I am going to NKOTBSB this Saturday. cannot wait.