Monday, October 3, 2011


My phone stinks. Really, it is horrible. I have a bad rap with all things electronic. I tend to break them. Usually very soon after I get them. Its a curse, I swear. Right now I have this Droid phone. My sister gave it to me after my lovely pink Blackberry broke (which I loved). This was her old phone, so it could be that it is just that, old, but I really hate it. It drops my calls, mutes me when I am talking, and basically does whatever it wants.

It is the first touch screen phone I have had, and I don’t even use it. This is what scares me about transitioning to the iphone. Everyone who has one loves it. Mac users literally belong to a cult. Along with Starbucks drinkers. No offense to those of you that love both (can you tell I don’t?). I am very nervous. I like all of the applications and versatility the iphone has, but the ALL touch screen thing sorta makes me nervous.

So I ask you, is it a hard switch to go from not using touch screen to the iphone? Is it really as good as people say it is? I gave Mac a chance about 8 years ago with the ipod mini and they failed me. Miserably. I have not gone back since. This will be a tough pill to swallow if it is a success.