Tuesday, June 14, 2011

HOO Are You

I am a little late, but I just found out about Night Owl Crafting. Pretty cool blog that does lots of link parties. Every Tuesday is one called “HOO Are You” and Leslie posts 5 different questions to answer weekly so your followers can get to know you better.

I think it is fun and creative, and I think I am going to start participating. I can’t figure out how to put the button in the blog post, but this is the link if you would like to join: HOO Are You. Here goes. .

1. What is you favorite summertime snack? Ice Cream. For some reason I crave ice cream so much in the summertime.

2. Do you tan at all? (tanning bed, outside, spray, etc) I tan in the tanning bed and I like to sunbathe. I know it is horrible for me, and I have cut back a LOT, but I do think a nice tan is appealing.

3. What is your favorite activity to do outside? Growing up we were always outside. We had a pool and a trampoline and were constantly playing in the backyard. When we get a fence, just hanging in the yard with the pup would be very relaxing to me, and having dinner outside. I love the beach as well.

4. Do you recycle? Yes.

5. How hot is it where you live today? We are having a cold front here in Boston, it is only 60 today.


Jaime said...

I grew up in Maine, and I remember summers spent swimming at the beach. Ah, the carefreeness (I know that's not a word, but it worked) of childhood. I talked to my mom this morning and she said it was raining up there AGAIN. I wish we could send some of our temps up there in exchange for rain! :-)

P.S., I am your newest fan.

stefanie.ann said...

Thanks Jaime, I love your blog, I am going to make the cobochon (sp) rings tonight!

Thanks for following!

Janet said...

Hey Icecream buddy! I chose icecream too! :)

And so jealous of the weather you're having today! I have my AC on FULL BLAST!

Visiting from-


stefanie.ann said...

thanks Janet!

Cherie said...

I love how a tanning bed gives me an instant tan... I always feel better when I am nice and tan. :)


stefanie.ann said...

Cherie, I completely agree. I have really cut back, but it is so addicting.