Last year, we did not do that great at our goals. See below.
Some things I really hoped we would have finished is the wall décor in the bedroom and get the fence for the yard so Emmy can roam free. Also, we can basically cross off the business because I am this close to having my photography business up and running along with website and blog, so I am super pumped about that.
I have more realistic and attainable goals for the house this year. I have already started because last night I tackled the bedroom closet. It is SO organized, and my hope is that we can keep it that way! We have tons of clothes to donate now, but I am looking for a more reputable place, I am thinking of a nearby shelter, but I have to do some investigating.
I am very eager to start on the living room renovation. I think it will really help to make it feel a bit homier. I really want a swivel chair. Wicked bad. Kind of ironic seeing that I am convinced the reason I have sleeping problems to date is due to the fact my mother rocked me as a child.
I love new years. The feeling of rejuvenation and motivation. I really, truly believe I can accomplish these house goals. Hopefully this year proves true.
Look for an inner city high school...My kids LOVE when new clothes get donated and they get to 'shop'!!!
You are so organized! I need to write everything down like this....maybe then I will remember to do it! LOL
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